Many startup companies have excellent ideas in their particular niche of excellence but lack information on some of the more routine basics related to business formation, development, and growth.

InnoGrove has started the InnoGrove Startup Resource Directory (SRD) as a group of professionals in a range of industries who have agreed to assist small and startup companies affiliated with InnoGrove with their business-related questions. Post-COVID, these will take the form on drop-in sessions at InnoGrove where people can bring their questions. Initially, these will be through Zoom meetings.
We are currently looking for service providers with the following expertise (we are open to forming new categories as needed):
- Accounting/Business Financials
- Legal – general business
Legal – specific to startup businesses - Human Resources
- Insurance
- Marketing Essentials
- Marketing – Website Design/Essentials
- Marketing – Social Media
- Public Speaking
- Raising Capital
- Sales
- Startup – Pitching Your Business
If you would like to be kept up to date on the InnoGrove SRD and future office hours, please email us at
To sign up as a Mentor, or to receive Mentorship, please go to our Sign Up page.
The InnoGrove SRD is made possible through the gracious support of SMUD.